Tässä humoristinen ystävänpäivä kortti.
Näitä birdie leimoja haeskelin pitkän aikaa, kunnes Kirsi onnekseni möi Koukussa kortti palstalla.
Fabulous card and colors Salma. I saw this on MIM. Faye
VastaaPoistaYour card is so amazing and much fun, I love the wonderful colored cackling hens:-)
VastaaPoistaHugs Anja, your new follower
A wonderful, fun card.
VastaaPoistaWhat a great image and nice coloring job! Thanks for sharing.
VastaaPoistaCute card and love the chicken wire background. Thanks for joining us this week at WAW.
VastaaPoistaIhanat tikkaukset tipukortissa, tosi hauska;-))m
VastaaPoistaSalma: Congratulations! You were last week's winner at Word Art Wednesday. Will you please email me so that I have your email address. I will contact our sponsor to arrange your prize.
Word Art Wednesday
P.S. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing with us again this week. Your art is so beautiful!
Great card!
VastaaPoistaThanks for joining us at One Stitch at a Time this week, and good luck!
Beautiful! Fab image and design. Thank you for joining us at OSAAT this week. Good luck. Hugs, Jill x
VastaaPoistaTosi hauska kortti.
VastaaPoistaI LOVE these chickens :) This is great!! Thanks for joining us at One Stitch At A Time!! Good luck! I hope I see you again next week!!
VastaaPoista- Susan, DT @ OSAAT
What a cool image! I do like the stitching, it's such a nice detail to this card - spotted it on MIM.
VastaaPoistaFab "chook" image, a fabulous card, Thanks for linking up with Make It Monday this week. Hope to see you again soon.
What a fun card !
VastaaPoistaThanks for joining us at Whimsy Stamps for this months Challenge x
VastaaPoistaI am so thankful to finally have a computer even tho’ it has Windows 8 and a bilingual keyboard. It has been a very long three weeks and I have missed seeing all your beautiful work.
God Bless you and yours,
Carole Robb Bisson
Word Art Wednesday
What a fun card. I always admire your work, so clean and it inspires me to do things better
Tosi ihana kortti, kävis pääsiäiseenkin. Taisin jäädä tässäkin leimasimen hankinnassa toiseksi..nyyh.
VastaaPoistaUpeat nuo ompelukset, osaat senkin taidon;-DD
:))), Hulvaton! ja tuo kanaverkkokin on aivan piste i:n päälle
VastaaPoistaFabulous card, I love the fun image!
VastaaPoistaThank you for taking part in the No Matter Which Challenge this month
Sue xx
Love your Cackling Hens! Great Fun Card! Thanks for joining us at NMWC and hope you have a Lovely Easter!